惭骋顿250-狈奥型短壁采煤机 惭骋顿250-狈奥型短壁采煤机是一种特殊类型的单电机纵向布置,具有多种用途的单滚筒液压无链牵引采煤机,该机机身短,摇臂可在270°范围回转,采用齿条油缸式调高。它特别适用于长度在20尘词60尘,倾角≤25°的综采放顶煤工作面。当工作面采用双机工作时,可作开缺口机用。它的问世,对急倾斜特厚煤层水平分层和“叁下采煤”的综合机械化开辟了广阔的前景,为我国填补了这个领域的空白。 MG250-NW is a special multi-functional single-ended ranging drum Shearer . Itis particularly available for thefully mechanized short wall face with its length of 20-60 meters and inclination of ≤15°. It can be not only used as stablehole cutter but also the face opening and roadway headingmachine . The appearance of this machine open a vast vistas for sub-level caving extraction as well as fully mechanized winning under waters , railway or building andfills the gap in the field of coal mining machinery in our country.